Healthy Parasite Removal
Diatomaceous Earth for People and Animals
One natural remedy that helps to eliminate internal parasites in both people and animals is diatomaceous earth. You can find diatomaceous earth at garden centers, farm supply stores, and natural product suppliers, as well as on the Internet. For the purpose of parasite removal, you must have food-grade diatomaceous earth. Some swimming pool suppliers carry a variety of diatomaceous earth, but it is not safe for use as an anti-parasitic.
Diatomaceous earth is composed of the ground silica-based exoskeletons of microscopic water creatures called diatoms. Because many diatoms have shapes that include sharp points, the particles of diatomaceous earth are razor-sharp, but are too small to do damage to human and animal tissues. However, these particles can do enough damage to the bodies of internal parasites to kill them.
Because diatomaceous earth is made of silica, the body passes it through the stomach and into the intestines without breaking it down. In the intestines, a minute amount of the silica is absorbed by the body and used as a trace mineral.
The rest of the diatomaceous earth kills internal parasites such as roundworms and tapeworms by creating tiny cuts in their exoskeletons. This causes the parasites to lose vital water and dehydrate. Once they die and detach from the internal organs of their host, the host's natural bodily processes eliminate the dead bodies of the parasites.
How to Use Diatomaceous Earth
To use diatomaceous earth as an anti-parasitic treatment for humans, mix 1 tbsp. of the earth into a large glass of water or juice and drink the mixture twice per day. You can also mix it into hot cereal or liquid foods such as applesauce. Although diatomaceous earth has no real flavor, you may experience a gritty texture when consuming it.
For pets, mix 1/2 tsp. to 2 tbsp. depending on weight into wet food twice per day. Kittens and puppies should start with 1/2 tsp., dogs under 20 pounds start with 1 tsp., dogs 20 to 50 pounds start with 1 tbsp., and dogs over 50 pounds start with 2 tbsp. You can also use it externally by rubbing it into your pet's fur, which can help kill the fleas that are the source of many internal parasites for pets.
Diatomaceous earth will not work as quickly as prescription medications, but it is completely natural and safe to use in all healthy animals. To thoroughly rid your pets or yourself of parasites, you may need to continue the recommended dosage for at least 30 days. Despite the time it may take to get rid of all parasites, diatomaceous earth is one of the few anti-parasitics that will work on a variety of parasites. Most prescription anti-parasitic medications are tailored to kill only one variety or just a few.
Warnings and Precautions
If you or your pet show signs of a severe parasite infestation, such as lack of energy or sudden weight loss, you need to consult a health care professional. Natural anti-parasite remedies may not work fast enough in the case of a severe infestation.