How Do I Mix Honey & Apple Cider Vinegar for Cough Medicine?
Buy apple cider vinegar and not one of the many other varieties of vinegar. explains that locally cultivated honey is good for pollen allergies, so try to buy local honey if you think pollen allergies might be a factor in your cough.
Honey and Apple Cider Vinegar Cough Medicine
Information on recommends that you mix your honey and apple cider vinegar with water. Combine 1 to 2 tsp of apple cider vinegar with 1 to 2 tsp honey in a glass of water and drink the mix one to two times a day. An alternative mix, from the book "Herbally Yours" by Penny C. Royal (1982), includes a few more beneficial ingredients. It calls for 1/4 tsp cayenne pepper, 1/4 tsp ground ginger, 1 tbsp honey, 1 tbsp apple cider vinegar, and 2 tbsp water. The pepper and ginger are used to reduce pain and inflammation. According to an article on by registered nurse Bonnie K. McMillen, there is no set dosage but taking up to three teaspoons at bedtime is effective.
Honey vs. Medicine
According to an article on, a study at Penn State College of Medicine found that "honey did a better job reducing the severity, frequency and bothersome nature of nighttime cough from upper respiratory infection than DM or no treatment." DM is dextromethorphan, the commonly used cough-suppressant drug in over-the-counter cough medicine.
According to McMillen's article on, if your cough lasts for more than a week, is accompanied by a headache or a fever, or if the cough is producing a thick yellow or green mucous, you should see a doctor. Also, she warns not to give honey to children under 1 year of age; honey can be fatal to infants.