How to Use Lemon Grass On Cooking and As An Alternative Medicine
about 90 cm long and 0.5 cm wide.
Lemon grass has many uses. Aside from culinary purposes, lemon grass is also use as an alternative remedy from
promoting good digestion to relieving fever, menstrual cramps, flatulence, (amongst others) and is a good insect repellent.
Things You'll Need
- lemongrass
Lemongrass is cultivated in Southeast Asian countries for culinary purposes and can be found on their numerous recipes.
Lemongrass can add aroma and flavor to broiled fish, like rosemary herb does. It can be put into a fish's belly to add an aromatic flavor and helps relieve those fishy odors.
In Philippine cuisine, lemongrass is also use to saute chicken. It works like ginger in adding aroma and flavor to the chicken. Both can also be use together, or lemongrass can be use alone when you run out of ginger.
Lemongrass as an alternative medicine.
Lemongrass tea can help reduce fever by inducing perspiration, thus, lowers temperature and cools down the body. The tea can also help on treating menstrual cramps.
Lemongrass as ringworm treatment.
Make a paste of the leaves with buttermilk and apply it to the affected area while lemongrass oil mix with the same amount of coconut oil can help on treating pains, rheumatism, neuralgia and lumbago.