Where Can Castor Oil Packs Be Applied?
The primary functions of castor oil packs, according to naturopath Denise Moffat, are to increase circulation, promote elimination, and enhance healing of the tissues and organs.
Castor packs are claimed to have many uses. They may relieve pain associated with sprains and strains, reduce inflammation, stimulate the liver, improve digestion, and relieve menstrual irregularities.
Castor oil packs should be applied over the area to be treated. They can be applied on the right side of the abdomen to stimulate the liver, over the lower abdomen to relieve digestive or menstrual problems, or on painful joints and muscles.
You can make a castor oil pack by saturating a piece of wool flannel, folding it two to four times, and then wrapping it around the affected joint or placing it over the organ to be healed. Wrap the area with plastic to hold the flannel in place, and place a heating pad or hot water bottle over the pack.
Time Frame
Edgar Cayce's Association for Research and Enlightenment recommends using the castor oil pack for at least an hour each day for three days straight. The frequency and duration can be extended to bring faster and more effective relief.