Holistic Treatment for Melanoma
Combining Natural and Standard Treatments
Do not use natural supplements for melanoma without consulting with your doctor first; you do not want to use treatments that might interfere with your standard therapy. As is stands now, alternative treatments are best used as a complement to conventional medicine.
Natural Supplements
The University of Maryland Medical Center and the publication "Prescription for Herbal Healing" suggest the following supplements might be beneficial for melanoma. They include green tea, bilberry, ginkgo, milk thistle, ginger, kudzu, lentinan, selenium, glycine and soy isoflavone concentrate.
Dietary Suggestions
Reduce consumption of animal fats; they contain an acid that might trigger the growth of melanoma cells. Increase your consumption of foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Diet soft drinks contain a chemical that encouraged the spread of melanoma to other parts of the body in laboratory testing.
Talk with your doctor about appropriate sun exposure; vitamin D helps melanoma cells go back to a normal growth cycle, but you want to avoid sunburn.
Working with a Knowledgeable Practitioner
If you are interested in using natural treatments for melanoma, consider working with an oncologist knowledgeable about and open to these therapies. He can offer guidance on appropriate dosages and other aspects of holistic cancer treatment.