Grape Juice Remedy for Arthritis
Grapes' Healing Properties
Many people are aware of the beneficial impact grapes, and in particular red wine, may have on the heart and cholesterol levels, but less is publicly known about their anti-inflammatory effects on the muscles and joints. Indeed, grapes contain multiple agents thought to reduce swelling, including the antioxidant resveratrol, and protective substances found in the fruit's skin called saponins.
Grape juice is most effective in treating arthritis when paired with Certo, a thickener found in many grocery stores. Certo is rich in pectin, a carbohydrate found in plant cells known to reduce joint inflammation in humans. Mix about a teaspoon of Certo with 3-4 ounces of grape juice and drink it down. Try to sip the liquid as opposed to gulping for maximum absorption in the stomach. The recommended daily dosage of this concoction is very subjective.
Studies have amply demonstrated grapes' healing properties, but juice made from this sweet, delicious fruit may not be for everyone. Diabetic arthritis victims, for instance, may want to consult their doctor before consuming grape juice since grapes are high in natural sugar. In addition to grapes, many other fruits and their juices have been shown to help arthritis, including tart cherries and apples.