Health Benefits of Springwater
Lack of Chemicals
The most obvious benefit is simply that springwater is not tap water. Tap water often lacks nutrients that help sustain healthy blood and oxygen levels. Most tap water uses chlorine to clean the contaminated water in most urban areas. High levels of chlorine, arsenic and benzene in drinking water have led to an increased risk of cancer. In addition, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved most bottled springwater.
Naturopathic Healing Effect
Springwater contains health-restoring minerals like lithium, calcium and magnesium. Additionally, springwater contains a great deal of sulphur that has a therapeutic effect on skin diseases and infections like psoriasis and dermatitis. A calcium deficiency can be very dangerous; it often results in hypertension, kidney stones and colon cancer.
Protection Against Disease
You don't have to drink springwater to benefit from its minerals. Bathing in springwater can serve as preventative treatment and protection against blood diseases, nutritional disorders and chronic digestive disorders. Additionally, it is known to prevent feminine diseases and provides holistic treatment for high blood pressure, hypertension and many heart and lung diseases.
Toxin Removal
Springwater serves as a detox agent to flush out toxins while helping to protect and restore your immune system to help fight off the cold and flu. Springwater also can provide an added energy boost and increase mental alertness for those who drink it regularly.
Better Taste
Springwater has a better taste than tap water. In addition to its poor taste, tap water includes potentially dangerous chemicals and rainwater runoff. There's simply no comparison to the clean and crisp taste of springwater when it's held up to the chlorinated, iron taste of city tap water.