What Are the Benefits of Corn Husk Tea for Bladder Infections?
Early signs of bladder infection include abdominal pain and itching and a burning sensation while urinating. Blood in the urine and back pain are more serious and you should see a doctor immediately if you are experiencing these symptoms.
Corn Husk Tea
Commonly used to treat benign prostatic hypertrophy, corn husk tea also may alleviate symptoms associated with a bladder infection. The secret in the tea is tiny strings (corn silk) inside the husk. Naturopaths and herbalists such as David L. Hoffmann, who studied at the National Institute of Medical Herbalists for four years, have valued corn silk as an herb that aids the urinary system.
Obtain corn husks, preferably organic ones that are free from pesticides. Steep them in hot water for at least five minutes. You may add lemon or honey for flavor.
How it works
The silk in the corn husks is a diuretic that encourages frequent urination and lessens the acidity of the urine that causes the burning sensation. It is also an anti-inflammatory known to sooth irritation and inflammation.
Be aware that an untreated bladder infection may cause kidney damage. If your symptoms do not improve within 24 hours, you should see a doctor as soon as possible.
Alternative therapies are becoming more accepted as more studies are done and more traditional medical doctors utilize these in their own practice. There are many physicians on the advisory board of Healthy.net, which primarily focuses on alternative therapies.