Naturopathic Treatment of Infammatory Colitis
Easing Inflammation
Several supplements might ease inflammation that triggers flare-ups and worsens symptoms like diarrhea. They include fish oil (2.7g daily), boswellia (500mg three times a day), and curcumin (1,000mg to 2,000mg daily). Fish oil might not be appropriate if you are taking blood-thinning medication.
Healing the Digestive Tract
Several natural supplements can soothe the digestive tract specifically and have a long history of use for this purpose. They include slippery elm (60mg to 320mg daily), marshmallow tea (one cup three times a day) and chamomile tea (one cup three times a day). Marshmallow is not appropriate if you have diabetes.
Nutritional Deficiencies
Colitis can inhibit proper absorption of nutrients, which can lead to various problems. Certain medications can also lower nutrient levels. Folic acid (800mcg daily), vitamin D (1,000 IU daily) and calcium (1,000mg to 1,200mg daily) can address this issue.
Promoting General Intestinal Health
Certain supplements are good for overall intestinal health, which can ease symptoms and reduce the incidence of flare-ups. They include probiotics and prebiotics (take chosen supplement as directed), psyllium seeds (20g daily) and N-acetyl glucosamine (ask doctor about appropriate dosage).
According to the Mayo Clinic, several studies have shown acupuncture to be beneficial for treating colitis.