Natural Healers for Crohn's Disease
Eastern Medical Systems
Alternative medicine expert Dr. Andrew Weil recommends visiting with practitioners of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) or Ayurveda, traditional Indian medicine. They offer treatment programs that address all aspects of health and include dietary changes, natural supplements and a host of other natural treatments.
Reducing Stress
Stress can trigger and worsen flareups. Experiment with different techniques to reduce stress. Popular ones include yoga, deep breathing, meditation, guided imagery, biofeedback and progressive relaxation. Regular exercise is also beneficial.
Nutritional Supplements
Certain natural supplements might ease symptoms and address nutritional deficiencies brought on by poor nutrient absorption or medications used for this condition. They include zinc, folic acid, vitamin B-12, vitamin D, calcium, fish oil, probiotics, glutamine and N-acetyl glucosamine. Consult with your doctor before using these; he can advise whether or not they are appropriate for you and offer proper dosages.
Dietary Guidelines
During an active flareup, eat a low-fiber diet. Dietary strategies to follow all the time include reducing or eliminating dairy, high-fat foods, sugar, all types of caffeine, alcohol, spicy foods, sugar alcohols and carageenan. Following this diet can ease symptoms and reduce flareups.
Alternative Medicine
Slippery elm, marshmallow, curcumin, cat's claw and boswellia can ease inflammation and promote healing of the digestive tract. Do not use herbal therapies before speaking with your doctor. Acupuncture also might be useful.