Alternative Help With ADHD and Tourettes
Watching what you eat is an important component of overall health, particularly if you suffer from ADHD and Tourette's. While no conclusive evidence is available, North Dakota State University references studies that show a link between diet, TS, and ADHD. Being particularly mindful of what you eat is essential for keeping your disorder in check, especially if you aren't taking medication. Make sure that you are getting plenty of omega-3 fatty acids, essential for proper neurological health, and try and limit your intake of sugar. Food dyes and other additives may also exacerbate the symptoms of your condition.
Behavioral Therapy
Behavioral therapy is one of the most effective ways to treat ADHD and Tourette's according to the University of California at Berkeley. Further, it can be attractive to people not taking medication because it is focused on behaviors rather than feelings or moods. Entering into a program of behavioral therapy when you suffer from ADHD or TS will give you tools that you need to work with your disorder. It is specifically designed to change the way that you act in the world, not make you a different person.
Biofeedback is an innovative therapy that can work well in conjunction with behavioral therapy or by itself. Biofeedback is a therapy method where you become more aware of different "automatic" reactions of the body. You learn to recognize these reactions, and then you learn how to change them. The treatment can be effective in as little as eight to ten one hour sessions according to the University of Maryland Medical Center.
Hypnotherapy is a therapy that involves hypnosis. This does not work the way as portrayed in television and movies. Rather, hypnotherapy is another therapy method that involves getting the ADHD or Tourette's patient to become more aware of how they interact with the world around them. Hypnotherapy is not a magic bullet. It still requires work on the part of the patient. Changes in symptoms can be shown in four to ten one-hour sessions according to the University of Maryland Medical Center.