Home Treatment for a Behind the Ear Boil
Boils behind the ears are very painful even if they are small in size. They can occur on any part of the body as long as there are hair follicles near. Usually, boils develop due to infection in those hair follicles. There are home treatments for boils behind the ear.-
Warm Washcloth
Apply a warm washcloth to the boil behind the ear. This will make it reduce in size or go away completely. Make sure not to press the washcloth too hard.
Carom Seeds, Garlic, and Mustard Oil
Crush together a piece of garlic and add the crushed garlic flakes to a half teaspoon of carom seeds and two teaspoons of heated mustard oil. Filter the oil when it turns red and apply to the ear to treat the boil.
Make a paste with cornmeal by stirring it into a half cup of boiling water. Apply it to the boil behind the ear to draw out the fluid and treat the boil.
Egg Whites
Hard boil a couple of eggs and use the egg whites to apply to the boil behind the ear. The whites of the eggs will draw out the fluid from the boil.
Cut an onion in half and place the raw side near the boil behind the ear. Onions have antimicrobial properties and can help get rid of boils.