Home Remedy for a Jalapeño Pepper Allergy
Jalapeño Pepper Allergy Help
The Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Network says that you can determine if you have a jalapeño pepper allergy by undergoing a blood test that’s given by your doctor. You could also have a skin-prick test, which is usually a more inexpensive option. Symptoms of a food allergy include eczema, hives, diarrhea or vomiting.
In addition to supplements, James F. Balch and Mark Stengler, authors of “Prescription for Natural Cures," recommend eating a diet full of whole, nutritious foods. Also, eating too much of one particular food could cause a food allergy or sensitivity. To help heal your digestive tract and relieve your symptoms, try adding specific supplements to your diet.
Chrystle Fiedler, author of “The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Natural Remedies,” suggests taking the digestive enzyme bromelain. Take 500mg twice a day. For digestive help, take the supplement with a meal. If you’re experiencing an allergic reaction that leads to inflammation, take bromelain at least 20 minutes before or after a meal. To help increase the amount of stomach acid you have, take betaine hydrochloric acid (HCI). The more stomach acid you have, the more likely you'll be able to tolerate offending foods. Fiedler recommends checking with your specific healthcare provider for dosage information; however, Balch and Stengler recommend taking one to two capsules with each meal.
Because it contains bioflavonoids, make sure to take 1,000mg of vitamin C two or three times a day. This supplement can reduce allergic reactions. To help ease digestion, you might consider trying papaya in fruit or supplement form. Fiedler says papaya is rich in papain, an enzyme that helps with protein digestion.
Sometimes a food allergy, such as one to jalapeño peppers, can leave you congested with excess mucus. A percussive massage—a technique that uses pummel and pinch techniques—could help alleviate your symptoms. Generally, these massages are only recommended for healthy individuals. If you’re elderly, thin or frail, speak with your healthcare provider before trying a percussive massage.