How to Stimulate White Blood Cells
Eat an anti-inflammatory diet. Inflammation interferes with proper immune function. Limit or eliminate your intake of animal proteins, white flour foods, fried foods and sugar. Combat inflammation with a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, beans, whole grains and the healthy fats found in cold-water fish, nuts and seeds.
Take a multi-vitamin supplement every day to ensure you are getting the recommended amounts of key vitamins and minerals. Even a small deficiency can weaken immunity. Look for supplements labeled with the United States Pharmacopeia seal. This indicates it was produced with equivalent standards of pharmaceutical drugs.
Eat foods like yogurt or kefir. They are rich in the friendly bacteria known as probiotics. You can also take a probiotic supplement as directed on the label. These bacteria help fight off and detoxify harmful substances from the body. According to Dr. Susanna Cunningham-Rundles, an immunology professor at Cornell University, eating yogurt daily can boost lymphocytes, a type of white blood cell, by 30 percent.
Exercise regularly; this will boost immunity and help keep weight under control. Aim for 30 to 60 minutes daily. Do not overdo exercise. Working out to the point of exhaustion regularly can stimulate the release of certain chemicals that actually interfere with immune function.
Manage stress. Stress floods the body with immune-weakening chemicals. Experiment with meditation, yoga, deep breathing and anything else that promotes a sense of calm and well-being. Find something you like and stick with it.
Get at least seven to eight hours of sleep every night.