Natural Ways to Get Rid of Nail Fungus
Before starting any natural treatment plan to cope with persistent nail fungus, consult your physician; you may require conventional treatment. If the nail fungus infection is in its early stages however, you can try several natural options.
Lavender essential oil contains anti-fungal properties, making it an ideal solution for nail fungus. Rub lavender essential oil onto the affected nail at night. Apply immediately after bathing; the skin and nail is softer, enabling more complete penetration of the oil. Michael Traub, N.D., a naturopathic physician, in the book "The Doctors Book of Herbal Home Remedies," indicates that nail fungus can take months to cure and repeated application of lavender essential oil is necessary to tackle the problem.
Along with lavender, tea tree oil is another popular anti-fungal remedy commonly used to treat many different types of skin conditions, according to Michael Traub, N.D. Apply one to two drops of the oil once or twice a day much in the same way you would apply the lavender essential oil. Repeat until you see improvement.
"The Doctors Book of Herbal Home Remedies" also suggests using garlic supplements to treat nail fungus. Garlic has potent anti-fungal properties contained in its active component, allicin. The amount of allicin in garlic supplements varies widely, so make sure you get the equivalent of 7,500 micrograms of allicin in three divided daily doses. Read the label on the garlic supplement carefully. Garlic is safe to take indefinitely.
Other options for alleviating nail fungus range from applying a mentholated rub to applying apple cider vinegar. According to the website, these remedies show promise for eliminating nail fungus. The Mayo Clinic indicates that anecdotal evidence suggests that mentholated rub applied to nail fungus can alleviate the problem, although no scientific evidence exists.
As always, if you continue to be bothered with problematic symptoms of nail fungus, consult your doctor.