Massage Treatment for Sinus Pressure
Sinus pain typically comes from sinusitis, a sinus infection or sinusitis, causing swelling and inflammation of the paranasal sinus cavities or from excessive mucus due to cold or flu.
Symptoms of Sinusitis
The symptoms of sinusitis include pain, especially when bending over or when waking up, headache, toothache, irritability, and puffiness in the face, especially around the eyes. Sensitivity along the sinus cavities of the face and forehead is also a sign of sinusitis.
How to Massage the Sinuses
Place the fingertips at the inner edges of the eyebrows, and lightly press. Work in small circles outward from the middle of the forehead to the temples, controlling the pressure for your own comfort. Anchor your thumbs at the temples and return the fingers to the middle of the forehead. Sweep the fingers up from the brow to the hairline, then across the forehead as though you were sweeping the sinuses clear.
Place the fingers along the sides of the nose close to the eyes. Take a deep breath and as you exhale, press lightly on the bridge of the nose. Hold for several seconds then release. Repeat along the underside of the eyebrows.
Move the fingers next to the nostrils. Press in to the face and hold for a few seconds. Repeat three times, adjusting pressure for your comfort.
Massage the sinus drainage channels using small circles. These channels are located at the underside of the cheekbones and the underside of the jaw from chin to ear. Use light pressure, followed by a sweeping motion along the same path.
When Massage Is Too Painful
If the sinuses are too painful to massage, use your thumbs to press along the back of the neck. Start at the base of the skull and move your thumbs in toward the center. Repeat, moving down the neck. Finally, massage the toes, squeezing from the tips of the toes, along the sides to the base of each toe.
You are working pressure points, which help relieve the pressure in your sinuses without directly contacting them.
When You Shouldn't Massage
You should not massage the sinuses if the cause of the pain is bacterial or viral infection. This is because massage may help spread the infection. Massage should not be done if there is a fever, aches, or an acute sinus infection. Massage is safe for allergic sinus pain and chronic sinus infections, as long as it is comfortable.