Home Remedy for Black Walnut Hull Astringent
What Is Black Walnut Hull Extract?
Black Walnut Hull extract comes from the hull of the walnut from the Black Walnut, hence the name. When the walnuts are immature and green, the hull is pulled from the nut and then chemically broken down with alcohol. The reminisces left in the alcohol dissolution is Black Walnut Hull extract. The hulls can also be dried and ground to form a powder. Most extracts found in health food stores come in powder/capsule form, yet some stores may carry the liquid extract. The extract is very nutritious, containing essential minerals necessary for a balanced diet, such as silica, potassium and magnesium, and can be taken by anyone.
What Is Black Walnut Hull Extract Used For?
Black Walnut Hull extract can be used for multiple conditions, but it is most commonly used as a home remedy for parasites, both internal and external. However, the extract can be used for many other illnesses, such as diarrhea, tonsillitis and skin disorders. In powder form, the hull can be mixed into a salve for such conditions like eczema, hemorrhoids and ring worm. It also has anti-fungal properties, which means the extract can be used for yeast infections and athlete's foot.
Black Walnut Hull Extract as an Astrginent
When the extract is used as an astringent, the tannins in the extract act as an anti-microbial, which can promote the removal of harmful microbes and reduce inflammation in inflamed tissues. The acidic nature of tannin makes the environment inhospitable to microbes, causing them to be expelled from the body. Using the extract from the Black Walnut Hull can help the body balance the pH of the body, so that it can regain homeostasis. When the body is imbalanced (either too acidic or too alkaline), it can be thrown into imbalance, and the different flora of the body can grow. This is the case with some fungal infections, which thrive in an alkaline environment. By introducing an acidic environment through the extract, the body can eliminate the fungal infection and return to a balanced state. However, it is best to use the extract in moderation, as it could actually create an acidic environment within the body when taken in excess. It is always best to refer to a knowledgeable herbalist and your physician when starting a new regiment.