Best Way to Detox From Tramadol
Side Effects and Monitoring
If a person is taking Tramadol under the care of a doctor then they would usually be taken off of the drug gradually to reduce the withdrawal symptoms. However, when a person stops taking this drug or decreases the dosage and they start feeling some of the following symptoms, then it is a good indication that they are already addicted and that they should go through a quick detox program. These are normally severe side effects and they include nausea, vomiting, anxiety, depression, insomnia, sweating, weakness, hallucinations and tremors. There also may be more minor side effects such as a runny nose, itchy skin, diarrhea, heartburn and indigestion.
It is extremely important to be under the watchful eye of a doctor when attempting this detox because of this and the possibility of relapse. The person will also need to have your heart and the rest of their cardiovascular system checked out to make sure that they are in good enough health to undergo such a detox.
Rapid Detox
Normally doctors will put the individual through a rapid detox program to get all of the drugs out of their system. For this they place then under as anesthesia to prevent them from feeling much of the worst part of the side effects.
These programs that are used are usually the ANR or the Waismann methods. The person will be under the anesthetic for between four and six hours, and by the time they wake up, the drugs will be out of their bodies. This means that they will be back to basically normal function within a few days of the treatment.
After the Main Detox
After the main part of the detox program has taken place you will then be given another drug called buprenorphine. This is also an opiate, but is used to prevent the person from feeling the normal withdrawal symptoms from Tramadol.
During and after this time, the person is recommended to visit either the outpatients clinic at the hospital, to see their doctor, or to attend a rehabilitation center to prevent any relapse and to monitor the progression of recovery. This is a very serious type of detox from a very addictive drug, so all of the right steps must be taken to help an individual in this situation.