What Is Aloe Juice Good For?
Aloe juice is often used internally to treat intestinal conditions such as inflammatory bowel disease, ulcers, constipation, and candida (fungus infection). Aloe vera has been used topically for skin conditions such as dry skin, burns, scrapes and wounds.
It is advisable to get aloe vera juice only from reputable retailers like Walgreens, CVS or a well-known local pharmacy. Use only "food-grade" aloe juice.
The FDA does not regulate aloe vera juice as a drug. It is classified as a dietary supplement.
Do not use any aloe vera products without consulting your doctor or if you are allergic to onions, tulips or garlic.
Only the leaves of the aloe plant are used. Aloe vera products are also available as gels and creams.
Always ask your nutritionist, doctor or holistic doctor if you have questions about taking aloe vera juice.