Natural Treatments for a Fibroid Tumor
Heavy periods, pelvic pain, frequent urination and constipation are common symptoms of fibroids tumors.
Causes and Risks
Though the cause of fibroids is not entirely understood, heredity plays a role in their occurrence. Increased estrogen production also triggers growth, particularly during pregnancy. Women of color are three to nine times more susceptible to fibroid tumors than white women. Obesity is also a risk factor.
Natural and Herbal Remedies
Popular remedies include a tablespoon of organic apple cider vinegar, blackstrap molasses or 30-40 drops of chasteberry herb (Vitex) tincture in a glass of water 2-3 times daily. With consistent, long-term use these remedies can alleviate pain and reduce the size of fibroid tumors.
Diet and Lifestyle
A healthy diet rich in whole grains and regular physical activity can help prevent hormonal imbalances and aid in the treatment of fibroids.
Medical Treatment
If fibroid tumors become very large, painful or threaten health then surgery may be necessary. A hysterectomy is the only treatment that prevents the recurrence of fibroid tumors. Hysterectomy is the surgical removal of the uterus.