How to Stop a Bleeding Skin Wound Quickly
Things You'll Need
- Cayenne Pepper
First thing you need to do, is to make sure that you thoroughly clean the wound. Make sure that the wound has no debris in it. You can use running water, or even better would be to use some hydrogen peroxide to rinse the wound out.
After cleaning the wound, sprinkle enough Cayenne pepper over the wound to stop the bleeding. You may have to sprinkle it on heavily, depending on how bad the wound is bleeding. Usually the Cayenne Pepper will sting, not too bad, but it will sting.
Cover the wound with a bandage, and leave in the Cayenne Pepper until the next day if possible. You will notice that the wound will start the healing process quicker than normal.
Take a shower the next day, and carefully rinse the wound free of the Cayenne Pepper. If you choose, after your shower you can apply some Neosporin, but it shouldn't be necessary.