How to Heal Bedsores Naturally

Bedsores are very painful, and if they do not heal, they may require surgery. Some bedsores can become so bad that they become life threatening. There is a way to get bedsores to heal, ways that a hospital will not normally use. Try this method out, you won't be disappointed.

Things You'll Need

  • Manuka Honey
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      You first need to purchase some Manuka Honey. This honey contains high UMF levels, these levels are what give it the healing properties that it has. Google Manuka Honey, you will find places to purchases this kind of honey.

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      Once you have the honey, you need to gently spread the honey evenly over the wound. After this, cover or pack the wound, and place a bandage over it. The honey encourages tissue regeneration.

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      Make sure that you change the bandages each day, at least once a day. You will need to reapply more honey each time you change the dressings. You should start to see some good improvement within a week to 10 days time.

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