How to Cleanse the Body of Celebrex

When our body has too many toxins, we may also have high acidity levels. High acidity levels can cause people to have respiratory problems, neurological imbalance, weight gain, allergies to foods and airborne particles, skin rashes, high blood sugar and more. Celebrex has been found to be a toxin, and it also makes PH levels in a person's body become acidic. If you want to cleanse your body of Celebrex, there are natural things you can do to help you be more healthy.

Things You'll Need

  • Fasting
  • Water
  • Brown rice
  • Herbal laxatives
  • Antioxidants
  • Walking
  • Sauna
  • Massage therapy
  • Deep breathing exercises
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      Since cleansing will involve a fast and herbal supplements, please consult a physician before you begin. Once you get medical clearance, start a three day fast on water and brown rice. Make sure to drink water every 90 minutes or sooner if you're thirsty. Not drinking enough water can make you dehydrated. Take herbal laxatives when needed and if your physician allows you to. Make sure to read the directions on how to take the laxatives and keep track of when you take them. You should also take antioxidants daily to help your body when fasting.

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      Walk 30 minutes every day. Walking helps your body get rid of toxins. Toxins are stored in fat; and when you burn fat, toxins are released through sweat. The more you sweat, the more your body can get rid of toxins. Your body will be able to rid itself of Celebrex through walking and sweating.

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      Sit or stand in a sauna for the recommended time. Make sure the sauna is not too hot, and you feel comfortable. The sauna will help you sweat, and the sweat will release toxins from your body. Saunas are very healthy for the body if you use them the right way. However, if you're in the sauna too long, you may develop heat exhaustion. Signs of heat exhaustion include dizziness, nausea, fatigue, headache, muscle cramps and vomiting. Heat stroke could also develop in some people. Signs of heat stroke are shortness of breath, high blood temperature, confusion, hallucinations, seizures and coma. So make sure to use the sauna properly and be careful.

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      Schedule a massage. Massage therapy is great for releasing toxins in the body as well. When a person is massaged, the toxins are moved through the lymphatic system and they are able to be released by the body easier.

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      Do deep breathing exercises for five to 10 minutes every day. Deep breathing helps more oxygen flow through the bloodstream. A body full of oxygen will be able to get rid of toxins easier. Oxygen is needed for the lymphatic system to work optimally.

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