Over-the-Counter Remedies for Estrogen Dominance
Progesterone Cream
Allopathic doctors generally prescribe a synthetic (progestin) or animal derived (Premarin) progesterone replacement to help women deal with the symptoms of estrogen dominance at the onset of menopause. Much has been said lately about the relationship between these supplements and the increase in incidence of breast cancer and heart disease in women. Dr. John Lee (drjohnlee.com), a pioneer in bio-identical hormone replacement therapy, suggested that women and men who have symptoms of estrogen dominance (e.g., weight gain, thinning hair, itchy skin, irritability, etc.), should boost their progesterone levels by using plant derived progesterone cream. You should check the label to make sure the cream contains at least 20 mg USP progesterone per dose. Men benefit from using progesterone cream because progesterone is used by the body to build the other steroid hormones such as testosterone. Men may want to look for a progesterone product that also contains Siberian ginseng, as this combination may help if you experience age-related impotence.
A relatively new treatment you can purchase over-the-counter is called DIM (diindolylmethane). This substance is found naturally in cruciferous vegetables like cabbage, Brussels sprouts and broccoli. In vegetable form, your body can use DIM to help you metabolize estrogen so that it functions more beneficially. DIM in its pure form, as a supplement, is not really usable by the human body. However, researcher Dr. Michael D. Zelig's patented the brand name BioResponse DIM, which has been specially formulated to be more absorbable. This brand has been shown to aid estrogen metabolism so that phytoestrogens such as soy will not be as likely to create estrogen dominance. According to a study done at the David and Alice Jurist Institute for Medical Research in Hackensack, N.J., Zelig's formula also has great antioxidant activity, which may help lower the risk of some cancers (see resources).
Using progesterone cream in conjunction with BioResponse DIM can be a good strategy for both women and men to help them balance out estrogen dominance and manage their symptoms.