Organic Remedy for GERD
Organic Ginger And Apple Cider Vinegar Remey
Go to the store and buy organic apple cider vinegar, organic ginger root capsules and several gallons of pure water. These supplies can be found at your local health food store or on line. Add 1 tbls. of apple cider vinegar to a large glass of water. Then take 3 ginger root capsules with a light meal and some water.
Continue drinking 8 to 10 glasses of pure water each day. Eat a healthy diet that consists of raw fruits and vegetables. Avoid processed foods and fatty foods. Sometimes spicy food can make gerd worse in some people. Avoid junk food and a fatty meats like pork. Eat your meals slowly and take the time needed to chew your food. Avoid eating food after 7 p.m. If you get thirsty, you can have some water, but try to finish all beverages at least one hour before bed time. Gerd tends to act up at night.
Organic Cinnamon And Digestive Enzyme Remedy
Buy digestive enzymes and Cinnamon powder. Cinnamon is usually found in the spices section of a grocery store.. You can also find digestive enzymes in the health food section. Take digestive enzymes with every meal. One reason why people develop gerd is from improper digestion. These enzymes will assist the body with the digestive process. Add a pinch of organic cinnamon powder to each meal. You can sprinkle it on oatmeal for breakfast and salmon for dinner. The taste is not bad either. The cinnamon will help to dissolve any excess acid that attempts to come up your throat.
Avoid drinking alcohol and sugar drinks because these beverages can aggravate gerd.
Organic Pineapple Juice
Purchase organic pineapples. Shave the skin off of the pineapple and chop up small pieces. Add these chunks of pineapple to your juicer. Make two 8 oz. glasses of fresh pineapple juice each day and drink. Add cinnamon powder for an even greater effect. The enzymes in the pineapple will help to neutralize acid. Pineapples are also a great source of nutrition.
Feel free to try one or more of these organic gerd remedies. In many cases you will notices results right away, but people with extreme acid reflux may not notice much of a difference until after they have been consistently been using the remedy for a few days.