Home Cure of Mentholatum for Toenail Fungus
Prior to using Mentholatum on nail fungus for the first time, soften the nail either by taking a bath or by soaking the nails in a tub. Once the nails are soft, dry thoroughly and then use an emery board to file across the top of the nail. Filing helps to make the nail more porous so that the Mentholatum can be more easily absorbed into the nail.
Scoop about a tablespoon of Mentholatum onto a small plate or bowl. Generously rub Mentholatum into each toenail and into the cuticle of each nail. For best results, put the Mentholatum onto each toenail, even the ones that do not appear to have any fungus. Applying the Mentholatum onto each toenail will keep the fungus from spreading to other toenails and will also kill any fungus that is beginning to grow but is not yet visible.
After rubbing the Mentholatum into each toenail and cuticle, allow it to absorb into the nail. If done before bed, cover the toenails with bandages or put on a pair of socks so that the sheets don't get stained by the Mentholatum.
Discard any unused Mentholatum. Never reuse Mentholatum that has had contact with infected nails as it may cause infection to spread.
Repeat this procedure twice daily.
If the Mentholatum is working to rid the toenails of fungus, pink, clear, fungus-free new toenail growth will appear right above the cuticle. It may be barely visible at first. This generally takes a week or longer.
Be Persistent
Though Mentholatum is an effective treatment for toenail fungus, it is important to continue treating the toenails twice a day with Mentholatum until the toenails are completely free of fungus.
It's also important to trim the toenails regularly so that the infected toenail is cut off little by little.
If treatment ceases before the toenails are completely clear of fungus, the remaining fungus will spread to the rest of the nail and treatment will have to start all over again.
This is a long, slow process since it can take three to six months for toenails to completely grow out.