Remedies for a Sinus Dry Socket

For people who suffer seasonal allergies or frequent colds, sinus pain is a well-known companion. Sometimes sinus pain is caused by pressure from congestion or swelling of the mucous membrane. Dry sinus membrane is also very painful. But if you have recently had a tooth extracted, your pain may be the result of a dry socket. The remedies are similar for dry socket and dry sinus.
  1. Sinus and Socket Pain Relief

    • Since the sinuses and the upper teeth are close to each other, it is sometimes difficult to decide where the pain is coming from. If you are prone to sinus infections, you may assume your pain is caused by this and start treating yourself accordingly. The extraction of one of your upper teeth, however, may be the root of your problem. After an extraction, it is very important to keep the gum area that held the tooth, the "socket," moist and free from irritants like cigarette smoke and caffeine. Using a straw to drink can also irritate this area. If you normally don't drink much water, increase your water intake to give your body what it needs to moisturize your mucous membranes, including your gums and sinuses.

      One of the best things you can do for your gums during this time is a saline rinse. Your dentist probably gave you an instruction sheet advising you to rinse with salt water. Mix 1/4 tsp. sodium chloride (table salt) and 1/4 tsp. sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) in 8 oz. of filtered water. Swish this solution, a mouthful at a time, for 30 seconds to bathe your gums. It is soothing and helps keep bacteria at a minimum. Do this at least a few times a day until the gum is healed.

      If the pain of the dry socket has made its way up into your sinuses, you can take the same saline solution as a nasal rinse. In fact, this is a good practice to include in your daily hygiene. Use a Neti pot, NeilMed bottle or a bulb syringe to squirt a little of the solution into one nostril while you lean over a sink with your mouth open. The saline will wash over your sinus membranes, rinsing any accumulated bacteria or excess mucus out through your mouth and nostrils. Repeat on the other side, and so on until all 8 oz. of solution have been used. Do this once daily and you will notice a decrease in sinus infections and pain.

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