Natural Treatments for Allergy Skin Rashes
Cassia (cassia fistula)
Some allergy skin rashes occur from excessive cold while other types of skin rashes, also known as hives, are caused due to fluid accumulation in the skin. In these cases, cassia leaves can be applied as a paste on the affected region.
Henna (Lawsonia inermis)
Henna is known to cool the skin and reduce or eliminate the inflammation. This natural treatment is used for various kinds of allergy skin rashes including boils, swellings and hives.
Holy Basil (Ocimum sanctum)
Holy basil is mainly found in India and is well known for its medicinal properties. The juice of this plant can heal different kinds of allergy skin rashes and even alleviate symptoms like itching.
Madhuca (Madhuca indica)
When skin rashes are accompanied by itching, try using the madhuca plant. The leaves are ground into a paste and applied on the affected region.
Rauwolfia (Rauwolfia serpentina)
In case of hives or extreme inflammation, the leaves of this plant can be used to provide immediate relief. The leaves are ground and applied to the affected area.
Sandalwood (Santalum Alba)
Sandalwood paste is one of the most well-known treatments for all kinds of allergy skin rashes. It is also used for relieving the itch that accompanies some of the rashes. Sandalwood oil can also be used in skin diseases like prurigo and erysipelas.