Home Remedy for Kidney Stones Using Ginger Root
Clean your Kidneys
A good kidney cleanse can help clear the kidneys of foreign substances that have accumulated over time, because the body was unable to dispose of them through the urine. Perform this kidney cleanse at least two times a year, if possible. Usually a cleanse takes three weeks. Juergen Buche, N.D., N.H.C., N.I., Phy.D., recommends the a cleanse with the following ingredients:
One quarter cup each of dried hydrangea root, cleaver's herb, gravel root, uva ursi leaves, and marshmallow root.
You also need parsley, goldenrod tincture (unless you are allergic to it), vegetable glycerin, one large bunch of fresh ginger or capsules of crystallized ginger root, 250 mg capsules of vitamin B6, and 300 mg of magnesium oxide tablets.
Let the roots soak in a container (preferably non-metal) of 10 cups of cold water for four hours or overnight. Bring the roots to a boil and simmer for approximately 20 minutes. When it has cooled, drink roughly a quarter cup. Use a bamboo strainer to strain the rest into a clean glass jar and put in the refrigerator.
Rinse the fresh parsley in one quart of water for three minutes, and then boil it. Consume a quarter cup when it has cooled. Place a pint of the parsley tea in the refrigerator, freeze a pint, and discard the rest. This remedy not only cleanses the kidneys, but also helps to break up the stones.
Mix three-quarters cup of the root mixture with one-half cup of the parsley water. Mix a tablespoon of glycerin with 20 drops of a tincture of goldenrod. Drink the mixture throughout the day in divided doses. The drink should remain cold. If there is any discomfort or you are over the age of 70, take only half the dose. Allow up to three weeks for the kidney stones to dissolve. Keep in mind, however, that the kidney stones can return if you continue to consume fatty meat, cocoa, phosphate beverages, or certain types of tea.
Ginger can be used in many ways. Hot compresses from ginger tea may cause a superficial skin irritation, which will take your mind off the deeper kidney pain. In addition, the juice of ginger root may be beneficial in ridding your body of kidney stones. Spice up your meals with fresh ginger or try a tea made of grated ginger root.
Ginger root also comes in capsule form--add this to your vitamin regimen to begin the process of detoxification.