Natural Way to Get Rid of Gallstones
Preventing the development of gallstones is the simplest and most effective natural treatment available. Maintaining your ideal body weight is an important element of prevention. Even slightly overweight individuals are two times more likely to develop gallstones than people who sustain their ideal weight. Those who are seriously overweight are six times more prone, according to However, in trying to maintain a healthy weight, is not recommended that you completely remove fat from your diet, as this allows bile to become stagnant and concentrate in the gallbladder. A diet that permits 20 percent of your calories from fat will help thwart the development of gallstones.
Gallbladder Cleanse
Flushing out the gallbladder is one of the most popular natural remedies purported to be effective for ridding the body of gallstones. One such cleanse calls for drinking 20ml of olive oil mixed the juice of half a lemon every day. Later that same day, you should drink the juice from the remaining lemon half. A small, bean-size sliver of raw garlic, finely chopped and added to the oil and juice mixture, may further help with the cleanse. Be aware, though, that gallbladder cleanses may cause nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea in some people.
Helpful Food, Herbs, and Vitamins
Eating a diet that is high in fiber as well as healthy fat is one of the best alternative, natural therapies available to those who suffer from gallstones. Fish and nuts contain the unsaturated fats you will need, while eating plenty of fruits and vegetables provide essential fiber. Artichoke leaves specifically have been shown to contain certain acids and compounds that stimulate the production of bile. This increase in bile will assist in dissolving the deposits that eventually lead to the formation of gallstones.
Certain herbs have also been suggested as a natural remedy for gallstones. For example, the organic properties of milk thistle are said to block the excessive production of cholesterol while, at the same time, aiding in sustaining a healthy level of bile. According to Dr. Warnock, a naturopathic doctor located in Shelburne, Vermont, it is suggested to that receive the optimum benefit of milk thistle, you should take doses between 70 and 210mg three times a day. Of course, you should consult your personal physician before taking any herbal supplements.
Lastly, those who are lacking in vitamin C, vitamin E, as well as calcium have been shown to have a greater propensity for the development of gallstones. Although according to there is not yet enough evidence to conclude that taking these vitamins and minerals alone will prevent the onset of gallstones, it may be worthwhile to consult your doctor about the possibility of introducing supplements to your daily regimen or adjusting your diet to include foods rich in calcium along with vitamins C and E.