How to Prepare Eczema Herbal Remedies
Measure out two ounces each of mango butter and shea butter. Add two ounces of liquid oil, one ounce of cornstarch and two teaspoons of grapefruit seed extract. Mix the oils and beat until light and creamy. Apply to affected area of skin.
Take two tablespoons of aloe vera gel, two teaspoons of evening primrose oil, one teaspoon of witch hazel and four drops of thyme essential oil. Put all in a two ounce dark glass bottle and shake to blend. Keep refrigerated and apply to irritated skin as needed.
Heat three tablespoons of olive oil, one tablespoon of shea butter, two teaspoons of beeswax and one teaspoon of emulsifying wax pellets over boiling water. Add one-fourth teaspoon of vitamin E oil and lanolin. Separately, mix 1 tablespoon each of aloe vera gel and distilled water. Add aloe vera solution to the oil and wax mix and whip until creamy. Let cool and mix in lavender essential oil. Apply to skin as needed.
Mix one-half cup shea butter, one-fourth cup olive oil, two teaspoons of vitamin E oil and six drops of lavender essential oil. Combine in electric mixer until creamy. Apply to skin lesions as needed.
Heat one-fourth cut of beeswax in double boiler. Add one half- cup of almond oil and coconut oil and stir until completely combined. Mix in one-fourth cup of rose water. Pour into container while hot. Mixture will cool into a soothing skin cream.