Steps to Using a Detox Foot Bath
The Process
A detox foot bath machine is a small device with a pool of water in which to set your feet. These machines are sold online or at most natural health-care stores. They are available for rent online, as well.
You start by filling your pool with salt water. The water isn't anything special, according to All 4 Natural Health. It's simply salt water. Once the water is in the machine, you place your feet in the pool and turn on the machine. The machine will then run a light surge of electricity through the water. The process that this machine works on is called osmosis. As the electricity passes through the salt water, the salt water separates the positive and negative ions in the electricity. The negative ions are supposed to pass up through your feet and go throughout your body. While traveling through your body, they are then supposed to attach themselves to toxins. The ions will then pass out through your feet. The toxins are deposited in the water. This process takes only 30 to 45 minutes.
Side Effects
There are generally few side effects from using a detox foot bath. Slight tingling in the feet may be present after the process, as well as some small amount of pain. They will both pass. People who have heart problems, pacemakers, or are pregnant should not use this machine. Neither should small children.