Vinegar for Sinus Infections
Pure apple cider vinegar is commonly used to help combat the symptoms associated with sinus infection. It effectively drains the sinuses by thinning mucus, alleviating discomfort that occurs when the nasal passages become blocked or inflamed during sinus infection.
Malic acid, found in apple cider vinegar, is useful in fighting the effects of fungal or bacterial infections, helping ease symptoms, as well as eliminating them completely. Apple cider vinegar also contains other vitamins and minerals vital to keeping your body healthy.
Methods of Use
One popular method of using apple cider vinegar is to drink small quantities of it diluted with water (1/8 to 1/4 cup of vinegar in 16 oz. of water) several times a day. Other equally as popular methods include steaming the vinegar and taking it in pill form.
Apple cider vinegar is most effective when sipped with water at the first sign of a cold, fever or allergic reaction. This way, it can help prevent a sinus infection before it begins.
You should never drink apple cider vinegar that has not been diluted with water or another liquid. It is highly acidic and can burn your mouth, damage your teeth and even ruin the lining of your esophagus.