Natural Ways to Combat Allergies
Lifestyle Changes
Keep all car windows closed when driving to avoid contact with dust and allergens. Keep household windows closed as well. Use air conditioning to cool autos and rooms, but make sure filters are clean. Do not use window fans as they can pull pollen and other allergens in from outside. Keep clutter at a minimum to prevent dust from building up, and vacuum often with a vacuum cleaner that has an efficient filter.
Nasal Irrigation
Flushing the nostrils with salt water removes pollen and other allergens and helps treat allergies and other forms of nasal congestion, according to an article written by Lynn Kelly and published in Mother Earth News in August/September 2006 (also online). The process involves a small, inexpensive device called a neti pot and a solution of ¼ to ½ tsp. of noniodized salt dissolved in one cup of lukewarm water mixed in the pot. Bend over the sink with your head tilted to one side. Place the spout of the neti pot in one nostril and pour about half the solution into the nostril so that it drains out the other. Flush the other nostril in the same way. Finish by gently blowing out through each nostril will holding the opposite one closed. Flush nostrils twice a day.
Herbal Supplements
Quercetin is a natural plant-derived antioxidant compound that is found in many foods. It helps stabilize mast cells and prevents the release of histamine. While it is found naturally in citrus fruits, onions, apples, broccoli and other foods, allergy sufferers may need to use supplements, beginning their regimen at least six weeks before allergy season starts, to build up a level high enough to prevent allergy attacks. Dosage should be discussed with a physician before beginning, especially if any other health problems are present.
Stinging nettle in capsule form acts as a natural antihistamine as does butterbur, which may be hard to find in the United States. Also, since butterbur is a member of the ragweed family, it may make symptoms worse in some people.
Nutrition and Diet
What you eat may help combat seasonal allergies. Foods such as apples, bananas and onions help build your immune system and have anti-inflammatory properties. Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as tuna, salmon and walnuts, may also help prevent allergies. Water is especially important. Drink at least eight to 10 glasses of filtered or bottled water a day to help hydrate your body and keep it working efficiently while it wards off allergy attacks.