How to Treat Sinus Congestion by Draining or Flushing
Things You'll Need
- Neti pot
- 1/4 tsp. noniodized table salt
- 1/8 tsp. baking soda
- 8 oz. distilled water
- Stirrer or spoon
Heat 8 oz. of distilled water to a comfortably warm, but not hot, temperature. Pour the heated water into the neti pot.
Add the baking soda and salt to the water; stir well, until dissolved.
Test the water to ensure a comfortable temperature; water that is too hot is unsafe and water that is too cold is uncomfortable.
Lean forward over a sink. Begin inhaling through the mouth and continue to do so throughout the rest of the process.
Place the tip of the neti pot in the left nostril, creating a seal so that water does not leak out. Be careful not to push the tip in too far, as doing so will seal the tip against the inner nose.
Rotate the head, as if aiming the left ear to the ceiling. The water should start flowing through the sinuses and exit out the right nostril, into the sink. Keep breathing through the mouth until all the water is gone.
Close the right nostril and gently blow the left nostril several times; then close the left nostril and gently blow the right nostril several times.
Repeat the entire process for the other nostril; a total of 16 oz. should be used (8 oz. for each nostril).