Home Remedy for Wheezing Asthma
Garlic, used for centuries as treatment for colds and coughs as well as illness prevention, has natural anti-inflammatory properties that help in the treatment of asthma, while reducing the amount of mucous produced in the bronchial tubes. Chew garlic cloves daily, or add garlic juice to other vegetable juices. To consume as a beverage, boil 10 cloves of garlic in milk---or in water flavored it with honey or ginger, both of which have anti-inflammatory properties---and drink the mixture daily.
Honey has boosted immune systems for years. It can also prevent and treat asthma attacks. During an asthma attack, place a container of honey under your nose and breathe in the vapors. Take honey by teaspoon several times a day, or add it to a beverage with garlic or ginger.
The caffeine in coffee has a similar effect to the asthma drug theophylline, which opens the airways of an asthma sufferer. Drink 1 or 2 cups of regular-strength coffee to alleviate the onset of asthma symptoms, such as wheezing and difficulty breathing. You can also drink caffeinated cola and chocolate with similar results.
Ginkgo Biloba
Ginkgo trees grow in naturally in China and the Americas; people have used tinctures and extract made from the leaves of this tree for centuries to treat various illnesses. It works to treat asthma and bronchitis while improving lung function. Take the extract as a tea or mixed with other herbals, such as garlic and honey, or take the extract in a tablet form. Buy online or at your local natural health store.
Mustard Oil and Camphor
Mix mustard oil with camphor, then rub the concoction your chest if you experience difficulty breathing; do not take this mixture internally. Mustard penetrates the skin and eases asthma attacks by breaking down phlegm.