What Are the Benefits of Taking CoQ10 for Hypertension?

CoQ10 (Coenzyme Q10) is a very important part of the group of cells in the body that create energy and are known as mitochondria. The development of ATP is what CoQ10 is involved in. ATP is the energy medium of all bodily functions. Our bodies cannot survive without CoQ10; it is akin to a spark plug in a car's engine. Sometimes, CoQ10 is not developed in healthy amounts in the body which can cause medical complications for the heart. Reasons for low levels of CoQ10 in the body are lack of proper nutrition, defects due to genes or bodily tissues having more needs. Heart disease which includes hypertension (high blood pressure) is an example of tissue needs where more CoQ10 is needed.
  1. CoQ10 Hypertension Studies

    • According to Dr. HingHau Tsang of Tsangenterprise.com, a research study in which 83 people of both genders and sufferers of systolic hypertension were conducted. These subjects were in a controlled, random and double blind study for duration of 12 weeks. Half of the participants took 50 mg of CoQ10 twice a day. CoQ10 lowered systolic hypertension by 18 mm Hg (millimeters of mercury), according to the outcome of the study. This result rivals blood pressure drugs, lacking negative side effects. Other studies, which were crossover, randomized and open label, found that systolic blood pressure lowered by 11-17 mm Hg, and diastolic pressure lowered by 8-10 mm Hg. Half of the subjects were able to stop using in the least one type of hypertension medication in three out of 12 studies.

    CoQ10 Hypertension Benefits

    • According to Michael T. Murray, N.D, low levels of CoQ10 have been found in 39 percent of patients suffering with hypertension. Based on these results, it may seem as if the solution lies in an increase of CoQ10 supplements. The intake of CoQ10 provides medical benefits beyond just the correction of a deficiency. CoQ10 is instrumental in improving hypertension by lowering high blood pressure levels in patients, though the effects do not appear in patients after 4-12 weeks of CoQ10 therapy. This is done by the CoQ10 reducing the resistance to blood flow. An average decrease in hypertension patients in both blood pressure categories are about 10 percent. This is due to CoQ10.

    Best Form of CoQ10

    • The best form of CoQ10 to ingest is the oil version that is found in soft gel containers. These capsules work best when ingested in conjunction with food products. CoQ10 enhanced with vitamin E increases its absorption properties. In addition, this form of CoQ10 will most likely stay in its active structure. CoQ10 is inactive and active in the blood system. If there are low levels of vitamin E in the body in the body, CoQ10 is transformed into its inactive structure. CoQ10 function is increased when there are high levels of vitamin E in the body. Vitamin E behavior is increased by the presence of CoQ10 in the body as well.

    CoQ10 Dosage

    • The average dose of CoQ10 that is advisable is 50-150 milligrams a day, for effectiveness. But there are some things to consider when trying to figure out the best daily intake amount of CoQ10. A question to ponder is whether CoQ10 blood levels will increase beyond 2.5 micrograms/mL and stay at this level. Utilizing CoQ10 that is not absorbed well will not give this effective blood level as the normal blood standard for CoQ10 is 1 micrograms/mL.

    Foods with CoQ10

    • Foods do not contain high amounts of CoQ10. Nutritional sources only provide about 3-5 milligrams a day of C0Q10. This amount of CoQ10 intake is not enough to make a significant impact health wise on the blood and tissue in the body. What these amounts lack is made up is the regular intake of CoQ10 supplements. Foods that are known to contain CoQ10 are meats, poultry and seafood.

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