Home Cures for Tendonitis
Stop and Rest
Simply stop the activity that causes the pain, and rest for a minimum of three weeks to heal the tendonitis. Brace the affected area, wear a sling (for the wrist, elbow or shoulder) or a brace on the knee or ankle.
A Whirlpool Bath
Soak in a warm bath or take a whirlpool bath to warm the sore tendons, decrease the soreness and boost the blood flow to the affected area.
The Ballerina Treatment
For a multilayer treatment---especially for tendonitis of the knee---put a moist, warm towel around the sore area, cover it with a plastic bag, wrap a heating pad around it and then put an elastic band of some sort around everything. Leave it in place between two and six hours. Elevate the affected area above your heart, and keep the heating pad set to low to avoid a burn.
Use Ice
To help diminish pain and swelling associated with tendonitis, ice the area. Too much cooling of the body causes the blood vessels to constrict; take care using ice if you suffer from diabetes, heart or vascular problems.
Other Treatments
Mix 2 tbsp. of cooking oil---sunflower or sesame seed oil, for example---with 1 tbsp. of kerosene or turpentine, and apply it to the affect area as a liniment.
Alternately, pound several garlic cloves and mix them with some mustard or olive oil, then place the mixture on the area and wrap with a warm poultice or bandage.
Or take a handful of eucalyptus leaves, crush them and grind them up with some cloves, 10 to 12 mint leaves and some coriander leaf sprigs. Add 1 to 2 tbsp. of warm coconut oil, then apply the mixture to the affected area.