How to Treat Pre-Menopausal Night Sweats
Visit your doctor. Depending on the severity of your night sweats and other symptoms, she might recommend that you start hormone replacement therapy. The drugs used in this therapy can ease your symptoms, but they also have some potentially serious side effects. You might want to get a second opinion before taking any drugs for your pre-menopausal symptoms.
Consult an herbalist about alternative medicines to help with pre-menopausal symptoms. These can include acupuncture and different herbs to help balance hormone levels.
Reduce your stress level before going to bed by, for example, yoga, meditation or just relaxing with a book and cup of tea. Do whatever calms you down.
Eat a diet rich in estrogen. Some highly estrogenic foods include soy, cherries and yams.
Exercise on a regular basis.
Cool the temperature of your room before going to bed. You can turn up the air conditioning or turn on a fan. If you don't want to cool the entire house to that level, purchase a single-unit air conditioner to keep in your room.
Keep an ice pack ready in the freezer so that if you do wake up with night sweats, you can cool yourself down quickly. Taking a cold shower also can help.