Natural Home Remedies for Eczema on Palms & Inside of Fingers
Home Remedies
To help ease the eczema symptoms on your palms and fingers, make sure that you bathe once or twice a day. Doctors used to say that baths can hurt the problem; however, they now believe that frequent bathing may help. When you bathe, use lukewarm water instead of hot water, as hot water may be more drying. Also, avoid using too much soap on your affected palms and fingers. When you do use soap, make sure you use a superfatted soap, such as Aveeno. Soaps should also be non-irritating and have no perfumes or dyes. You might find relief from glycerin soaps as well.
After bathing, trap excess moisture into your skin by using a fragrance-free lotion right away on your hands. Apply the lotion liberally. Brands such as Aveeno, Cetaphil and Lubriderm don't have a lot of dyes and perfumes and may provide you with the most relief. Carry lotion with you at all times and make sure to reapply after washing your hands.
Also, when you do housework or dishes, make sure to protect your hands with gloves, as harsh chemicals may cause an increase in your eczema symptoms.
If your hands become increasingly inflamed or itchy, you may benefit from an over-the-counter hydrocortisone cream. Not only do these creams provide relief, but they may also get rid of some of the redness.
In addition to common home remedies, you might find relief from aromatherapy. Valerie Ann Worwood, author of "The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy," says that this aromatherapy recipe will help ease the itch on your palms and fingers from eczema. Place 10 drops of Chamomile German, 5 drops of Yarrow and 5 drops of Tagetes into a mixture of 2 tablespoons vegetable oil, 30 drops of jojoba oil and 10 drops of evening primrose oil. Apply this mixture twice daily to the affected area. You can find essential oils at your local health food store or through a wide variety of online retailers.
Dietary Changes
Because eczema is an outward symptom of allergies, consider trying to eliminate certain foods from your diet. Worwood says that the two most common allergies associated with eczema---especially in babies and small children---are egg and dairy.