Reputable Liver Detoxification Supplements
Liv52(tm) by Himalaya Herbal Healthcare
Liv52 is a compounded herbal supplement introduced in 1955. Since then, this product has been the object of hundreds of clinical studies. In one study published in 1986 by S.N. Medical College in Agra, India., Liv52 was shown to cure hepatitis. This highly recommended and beneficial product includes the herbs chicory, yarrow, black nightshade, arjuna, capers, negro coffee and tamarisk, all of which have a long history of being used for detoxification. For more about the many studies that have been done with this product, including how it helps with such conditions as fatty liver and alcoholism related cirrhosis, you can go to their official website:
Perfect Cleanse: Purify(tm)
Jordan Rubin., wrote the book on wellness. His best sellers "The Maker's Diet" and "Perfect Weight America" were groundbreaking in their approach to health and weight management. Because of his own immune system problems and health issues, Jordan has been active in researching and developing supplements to provide optimal health to everyone. His product Perfect Cleanse: Purify is part of a whole body cleansing protocol, but can be used separately as well. It has milk thistle, yarrow, and other ingredients known to support liver function. It also contains cracked-wall chlorella--a plant food that has been shown to bind with toxins and help the body eliminate them.
Other Supplements
Many products contain similar ingredients that will help cleanse and support your liver as it does its job. Look for the ingredients milk thistle and yarrow first of all. Chicory and coffee are also good bile encouragers. If you have trouble finding the brand names above, or if you want a testimonial from someone who uses a particular product, you can always ask your local health food store owner. They are usually very willing to talk with people about their experiences with the products they sell.