TSH Thyroid Alternative Medicine
Alternative medicine can provide a number of solutions to individuals coping with a thyroid disorder. In order to create an appropriate and effective relationship in the body between TSH, which is a hormone produced by the pituitary gland, and the thyroid, you can turn to several modalities of healing that can be used in conjunction with traditional medicine.-
Reflexology and Acupuncture
Applying finger pressure and fine needle relief to specific locations along the body's energy lines in order to correct blocked or dysfunctional energy has proven to be helpful for many people with thyroid disorders. Both reflexology and acupuncture work with the same or similar energy centers and energy lines within the body. However, acupuncture follows these lines throughout the body, applying small needles to release the negative and blocked energies, whereas reflexology works with the reflexes on the hands and feet where these lines are evident.
Though you will need to seek trained professionals for both modalities, you can further stimulate your own pituitary and thyroid reflexes, if you choose. The pituitary reflexes are located on the underside of your big toes, right in the middle of the fleshy toe pad. The thyroid reflexes are accessible in the crease slightly below this pad. Both reflexes can be activated by means of massage.
According to David Brady, DC, thyroid disorders are often linked to musculo-skeletal disorders, making them the most common endocrinology problem encountered in private chiropractic practice. As a doctor of chiropractic, your health professional in this modality may suggest additional supplementation to balance the hormone replacement therapy you are likely receiving from your traditional doctor. Both physicians, though, should be working together to monitor your hormone levels, and both should be aware of all prescription and supplemental medications you are taking.
A chiropractor will also work with the body's alignment by manipulating the musculo-skeletal system in a way to improve circulation, energy movement, respiration, lymphatic processes and general health.
A Reiki healer utilizes her personal energy, like the Chinese concept of Qi, to heal others. She does this by working with a specific symbol or set of symbols and focusing her energy through these symbols into energy centers within the body. The energy center in the throat is responsible for the balance of the thyroid, according to Its Entirely Natural.com. However, a Reiki healer would also be likely to send energy to the third eye are on your forehead since the pituitary gland sits close to this location, and it is responsible for producing TSH.