How to Naturally Relieve Severe Coughing
Drink plenty of water, this helps to loosen the mucus in your lungs. Also try to drink some warm liquids, such as tea or warmed water with lemon.
Try eating warm soup. Warm soup can help to break up phlegm and mucus that is caught in the lungs. This is why chicken soup is so popular for those suffering from a cold or flu.
Use a humidifier to help put moisture into the air. If you don't have access to one, try a steamy shower or bath.
Treat any heartburn you may have. Heartburn is actually a common cause of severe coughing for some people. Try eating a banana, which cn help relieve the heartburn, and possibly the coughing.
If you're taking a cough medicine, make sure you're taking the proper type. If you are coughing up phlegm, you need to take an expectorant, if it's a dry cough you want to use a cough suppressant.