Natural Cures by Cleansing Colon
Why Colon Cleanse?
A healthy colon is inhabited by 85% or more of the good bacteria, otherwise known as probiotics. The two main kinds are acidophilus and lactobacillus. However, unhealthy foods, unhealthy lifestyles, and certain medications can diminish the microflora of good bacteria, allowing bad bacteria and yeasts in the colon to proliferate and cause many health problems, such as those mentioned above. Certain foods, herbs, and lifestyle changes can restore healthy bacteria.
Probiotic Foods
A scientific definition of probiotics is: "A live microbial feed supplement, which beneficially affects the host by improving its intestinal microbial balance." Probiotics work to introduce good bacteria into the digestive tract and to boost the immune system. Naturally probiotic-rich foods include yogurt, kefir, Yakult Probiotic drink, fermented soy (tempeh), Japanese Miso, fermented vegetables such as Kimchi and sauerkraut, onion, garlic, and bananas. Incorporate these foods into your daily diet to increase good bacteria in your colon.
Certain herbs are endowed with cleansing properties to eliminate toxins and kill bad bacteria in the colon. Psyllium is one of the most popular natural cleansing herbs. According to, psyllium boasts high levels of a fiber, called mucilage, which helps to absorb water and trigger contractions of the colon, making it easier to get rid of waste. It also helps to strengthen intestinal lining. Another powerful herbal cleanser is Cascara Sagrada, an ancient Native American remedy. It contains anthroquinones, a chemical that works as a laxative and it also strengthens the muscle tone of the colon. It also works to stimulate bile production in the liver to get rid of toxins in the body. Both these herbs are available in the dried form, which can be brewed as tea. You can also find them in liquid extracts or supplements. Psyllium is often used in high-fiber cereals as well.
Other herbs include ginger, cayenne pepper, fennel, senna, garlic, and aloe leaf. Some can be included directly in your diet like ginger, cayenne pepper, and fennel, while others can be found in extracts or as supplements.
The power of fiber cannot be underestimated---fiber acts like a broom, spring-cleaning your GI tract of pathogens. Fiber-rich foods abound, and including them in your diet can promote colon health. According to Mayo clinic, dietary fiber found in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes prevents constipation and reduces risks of intestinal problems such as hemorrhoids, irritable bowel syndrome, and the development of small pouches in the colon, known as diverticular diseases.
Enjoy a wide variety of fruits and vegetables. Eat brown rice, lentils, barley, split peas, black beans, whole grain cereals and pasta, nuts, and seeds. Consider using a variety of legumes and vegetables to make vegetable soup and eat it in place of hefty servings of meat and carbohydrates.
Fasting gives your body a chance to rest and get rid of stubborn toxins already present in the body. Often, juice fasting is recommended over total fast (just water). Gabriel Cousens, M.D., author of Conscious Eating, explains that juice fasting has the advantage of adding vital minerals and micro-nutrients, which further aids the cleansing process.
Juice fasting involves juicing a variety of organic fruits and vegetables and drinking them during the duration of the fast. Fruits and vegetables are high in antioxidants, phytonutrients, and fiber and they not only clean out toxins, but help to generate cell renewal. Always consult your physician before going on a fast.