Natural Cure For Calcium in the Arteries
Vitamin K2
Vitamin K is an essential nutrient required for proper body function. Its main role is to assist in blood coagulation and scab-forming. The difference between vitamin K1 and vitamin K2 is mostly the source of the vitamin; K1 is more prevalent in plants, and K2 is more prevalent in animals.
According to an article by Jim Howenstine, M.D., a clinical study done in Holland showed that a long-term, adequate supply of vitamin K2 tended to show less calcium in the aorta, one of the body's major arteries. Also, there is evidence to suggest that this removed calcium is then deposited in the bones, strengthening them. Assuring that proper daily doses of vitamin K2 are consumed each day can help reduce calcium in the arteries over the long term.
Vitamin K supplements can be purchased at most drug and health food stores. Vitamin K2 can also be found naturally in beef, pork and eggs.
Consult a doctor before beginning any vitamin K regimen, since the blood-clotting effects of vitamin K2 may be dangerous for some heart patients. Also, some blood-thinning medications may inhibit the effectiveness of vitamin K in general. It is always a good idea to speak with a doctor before any major nutrition or lifestyle change is made.
Oral Chelation
Oral chelation (or EDTA chelation) is a formula of vitamins that are said to reduce toxic metals in the body. The proposed benefits of oral chelation have not been scientifically proven, but doctor Norman Clarke, M.D., found that those who had been exposed to lead poisoning experienced relief of symptoms when oral chelation was used as a treatment.
An amino acid present in oral chelation therapy is said to attract calcium as it travels through the blood stream, thus helping to remove it. EDTA chelation is also touted as an arterial plaque removal method, which could also contribute to overall heart health. As always, closely follow instructions on supplement packaging when using oral chelation therapy.
Regular Exercise
Heart patients can always benefit from additional cardiovascular exercise, but care is needed. Speak with your doctor about an appropriate exercise program, since not everyone's health condition is such that vigorous exercise is appropriate or even safe. Exercise can promote overall arterial health and contribute to arterial calcium removal.