Natural Cures for a Canker Sore
Natural Remedies
If the canker sore is persistent and irritating, try gargling with coconut milk. After a few days, you should see an improvement. According to Medline Plus, often canker sores occur when the immune system has been weakened by a viral or other infection. Helping to boost the immune system by eating crushed garlic or plain yogurt may help the canker sores to heal more quickly. Tea tree oil as a natural anti viral and disinfectant will also work to heal the canker sore more quickly.
Natural Pain Relief
The tannins in black tea will help to relieve the pain and also draw out infection. Place a black tea bag soaked in water directly on the canker sore. This should relieve the pain quickly. Another method for pain relief is to swish the mouth with pure aloe vera. Make sure the aloe vera you use is pure; it is often used topically and so comes mixed with other ingredients, including perfumes. Baking soda and apple cider vinegar are both alkaline substances that will help to balance the acidity in the mouth, reducing the pain of the canker sore. Make a paste of baking soda and water and dab it directly on the sore, or swish a mixture of apple cider vinegar and water in the mouth.