Natural Ways to Treat Varicose Vein Pain
Varicose veins can be found anywhere in the body, but are most commonly known to affect the lower legs and ankles, due to high pressure put on this area when standing. Varicose veins may be inherited and are also caused by aging. They can also result from conditions that increase pressure on the leg veins, such as being overweight or pregnant.
Symptoms of varicose veins include dark blue or red veins that are visible through the skin. The legs may feel heavy or fatigued and may swell, become achy and painful. Skin can be come dry and thin and may bleed easily from minor injuries.
A mild case of varicose veins usually does not require the care of a doctor. You can find relief from the discomfort with basic natural at-home remedies.
Try not too stand for long periods of time to reduce pressure on the valves and veins in your legs and feet. If you must stand for long periods, wear support stockings, which aid leg muscles in pushing blood upward by focusing pressure near the ankles.
Massage a few drops of oil of rosemary into the affected area to help stimulate circulation and cause capillaries to dilate, relieving swelling and painful symptoms. Chamomile may also aid in soothing inflammation and relieving pain.
Sponging or spraying legs with cold water can relieve aches and pain from superficial varicose veins.
Lie flat on the floor and rest your legs on a chair seat or straight up against a wall for at least two minutes. This will help drain blood from swollen veins, relieving pressure and eliminating pain.
Massage the area around the veins, being careful not to massage varicose veins themselves, as this can cause more pressure and damage. Sit comfortably on a bed or couch and raise your legs slightly by placing a pillow beneath them. Massage up the entire leg from the ankle to the upper thigh for at least five minutes for each leg.
Try yoga. The stretching techniques of yoga can be beneficial for varicose veins as they promote circulation and drainage of blood from this area. Its relaxation techniques may also further alleviate pain and discomfort by allowing more oxygen to get into the bloodstream.
Eat a high-fiber diet to prevent straining of the stool, which can often build up pressure and cause or aggravate varicose veins. Eat meals built around whole grains, fruits and vegetables.
Take plenty of vitamins C and E, which help strengthen the immune system, promote healing, strengthen vein walls and help in efficient blood circulation.
Don't smoke. Smoking can contribute to elevated blood pressure which could aggravate varicose veins.
Avoid wearing high heels.
Wear loose clothing; tight clothing can restrict blood flow and allow blood to pool in the area.