Home Remedy to Remove Ringworm From the Face

Ringworm is caused by a fungal infection. You can use over-the-counter medications to treat the condition, but there are also remedies that use ingredients you might have in your home. Always use care when using a home remedy to treat a rash. Test your reaction to the treatment by applying a small amount to your hand, and watch for 24 hours to see if you have a reaction.
  1. Tea Tree Oil

    • Apply a small amount of tea tree oil directly to the rash with a cotton swab three or four times a day. Tea tree oil contains terpenoids, which work on the body as an antiseptic and antifungal. If you do not see results in a few days, try another home remedy for the infection. You might see small progress in a few days, but note any changes in the appearance of the rash. This oil is used for a number of infections such as nail fungus and in the treatment of acne.


    • Use a cotton swab to apply vinegar in the same way that you applied the tea tree oil. Vinegar can be harsh for the skin, so test your reaction to this remedy before you apply it to your face. Use the remedy a few times a day to eliminate ringworm. Vinegar works similar to tea tree oil. It has an antifungal property that eradicates fungus after a few days of treatment.

    When to Seek Help

    • Do not waste time if your ringworm infection is spreading despite the use of these treatments. Ringworm is highly contagious and can spread easily to other areas of your body and other people who you come into contact with. Avoid sharing towels and other item when you have a ringworm infection.

      If your symptoms are getting worse, see your doctor immediately. Your doctor might prescribe a topical ointment that will effectively eradicate the infection. These medications are much stronger than the topical ointments that you can buy over the counter or the home remedies.

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