Home Remedy for a Sore, Dry Nasal Lining
Nasal Spray
Saline nasal sprays are effective at moisturizing nasal passageways. Many different brands of spray are available at drug stores, but it is also possible and rather simple to create your own nasal spray at home. Simply mix 1/4 of a teaspoon of table salt and 1/4 of a teaspoon of baking soda in 1 cup of warm water until all granules are dissolved. Using a bulb syringe (also available at most drug stores), squirt the solution up each nostril one at a time, breathing in slightly with each squirt to ensure the solution completely makes its way through the nasal passageway. Afterward, blow your nose lightly in a tissue just so that the excess liquid is expelled but the nasal lining is still damp. Do this one to two times per day.
It may seem obvious, but drinking a lot of liquid (particularly water) can help hydrate your whole body. Nutritionists recommend drinking at least 8 cups (there are 8 ounces to a cup) of water each day. Drinking more than this, however, is not usually detrimental to your health. More liquid in the body means more moisture in the nose, which can often remedy sore and dry nasal passages.
Keeping your home humid will keep a constant supply of moisture to your nose. Humidifiers are easy to obtain at most department and drug stores and can keep the humidity level in any room at prime levels to fend off a dry nasal lining. Substances containing menthol, such as Vick's Vap-O-Rub, can sometimes also be added to a humidifier to add an even higher level of soothing relief. After a few days of this treatment, a dry nose should eventually be remedied.