Natural Prostatitis Prevention
Exams and Screening
Exams and blood screening may be helpful in preventing the development of a severe case of prostatitis by detecting signs as early as possible. Your doctor may have specific recommendations for screening but the general guidelines suggest digital rectal exams every year beginning at age 40. A prostate-specific antigen blood test (PSA) is generally given every other year after age 50. If the PSA levels are elevated, that may be an indication of prostate complications. If you have a family history of prostatitis or prostate cancer, your doctor may want to begin tests and screening earlier.
Diet and Lifestyle
Prostatitis is often called a nutritional disease. Prostatitis is much more common in those with diets heavy in meats and animal fats. Following a diet that is rich in fruits and vegetables should be your first step toward prostatitis prevention. Try to reduce dairy intake since excessive calcium intake aggravates the prostate gland. You should try to add large amounts of the powerful antioxidant agent, lycopene, to your diet. Lycopene is found in foods such as tomatoes, guavas, pink grapefruit and watermelon. Other antioxidant foods you should try to pack into your regular diet are berries, oranges, beans, spinach and artichokes. Whole grains found in bread, rice and pasta also reduce the risk of complications. Introducing moderate amounts of soy-based foods and garlic in your diet is also beneficial. Regular exercise is always a wonderful method of maintaining healthy oxygen flow throughout the blood and promoting cell regeneration that in turn reduces the risk of prostatitis.
Antioxidant supplements such as lycopene may be useful in combination with zinc, vitamin E and vitamin D supplements. Zinc and vitamin D are both essential in guarding the prostate against disease or inflammation. Increasing your selenium intake may reduce your risk of prostate cancer and is considered a prostate friendly nutrient. The herb saw palmetto is a traditional Native American remedy for reducing prostate enlargement. You may want to consider adding the saw palmetto supplement to your daily regimen to inhibit rising estrogen levels and help your prostate remain in proper condition.